Emma Laurent Guide: Build and Abilities Guide

Best character guide for Emma Laurent with builds and abilities.

Emma Laurent is a highly versatile character, and when equipped with her best gear set, she can become exceptionally powerful. Using the right gear set can make her one of the top hunters on your account. This guide will explain how to build Emma Laurent effectively and delve into her role and abilities.

Emma's Role and Abilities

Main Role

Emma excels at AOE (area of effect) clearing mobs. No one else in the game does it better. Here’s a breakdown of her skills:

Basic Skills (Sword of Revenge)

  • Decent damage and weak break damage.
  • Fire damage with basic attacks that also do breaks.

Core Attack

  • Strong attack causing burn, one of the few core attacks outside of Choi that causes burn.

Special (Burnup)

  • Massive zigzag AOE from bottom to top.
  • Scales off her HP, does fire damage, medium break, airborne, and 10% more damage to burning enemies.

Flame Cleave

  • Similar damage to Burnup but with heavy break.
  • Hits in a straight line and causes burn with an additional 10% damage to burning enemies.

QTE Skill

  • Fire medium break, heat absorption, and emission.
  • Increases defense by 7.77%, HP recovery, and provides defense penetration and fire damage.


  • Multi-damage hit, with increased damage and reduced cooldown/power gauge consumption during heat absorption and emission.


  • Heat absorption increases defense, HP recovery, and provides a shield.
  • Heat emission boosts defense penetration, fire damage, and benefits all team members.

Emma's Gameplay

Emma’s ability to clear mobs quickly is unmatched.

  • Battlefield of Time: Emma demonstrates her prowess in clearing mobs swiftly. She can annihilate enemies in seconds with her AOE skills, making her invaluable for fast content clearing.
  • Skill Execution: Her skills, especially Burnup and Flame Cleave, allow her to dominate the battlefield with ease. The cooldowns are manageable, and her animations make it even more efficient.

Best Gear Sets

Supporting Gear Set

Solid Analysis

(2) 15% Damage boost to enemies in break state.

(4) Increases break effect by 30% against enemies with elemental weakness.

The Solid Analysis gear set is one of her best. The two-set effect increases the damage dealt to enemies in the break state by 15%. The four-set effect increases break damage by 30% when attacking enemies with an elemental weakness, such as fire. This gear set enhances Emma Laurent’s break damage significantly.

Universal Gear Set

Noble Sacrifice

(2) 8% HP Increase

(4) 8% Attack decrease but increases members' attack by 8%

For a more universal gear set, consider the Noble Sacrifice gear set. The two-set effect increases HP by 8%. The four-set effect decreases Emma Laurent’s attack by 8% but increases the team’s attack by 8%. Since Emma Laurent is an HP-scaler, the attack decrease has minimal impact, providing a net 8% attack increase for the entire team.

DPS Gear Sets

One-Hit Kill

(2) 25% increase in ultimate skill damage.

(4) 40% reduction in ultimate skill cooldown.

For DPS builds, Emma Laurent excels at spamming her ultimate. The One-Hit Killer gear set is effective for this. When using her first basic skill, Burn Up, she can perform her core attack for free, which is a significant source of damage. The Solid Foundation gear set is also suitable since her basic skill includes break damage, making basic attacks more potent. The Toughness gear set is another option, but it requires good substats to be effective.


For accessories, there are multiple options.

Support-Based Accessories

Outstanding Connection

Increases user’s and team members' attack by 12% when tagging out (28% for 15 seconds with four-set effect).

For a support-based build, the Outstanding Connection gear set is optimal, providing a 28% attack increase when tagging out to another character.

Damage-Based Accessories


(2) 8% damage increase when attacking enemies with 40% or less HP.

(4) 20% damage increase when attacking enemies with 70% or less HP.

Another good option is the Executioner gear set, which increases damage by 20% when attacking enemies with HP below 70%.

Stat Prioritization

Main Stats

  • Helmet: HP%
  • Boots: HP% (preferred) or Defense Penetration

Accessory Stats

  • Necklace: HP
  • Bracelet: Fire Damage%
  • Ring: HP%
  • Earrings: Additional Mana Points


Prioritize HP and HP%. For a crit build, look for crit rate and crit damage. Defense penetration is also beneficial.

Weapon Choices

Best Weapons


Emma Laurent requires a good weapon. Her best-in-slot weapon is Night Thoughts, her exclusive weapon, which increases damage dealt to targets affected by the break effect by 4%.

Ancient Grimoire

Another good option is the Ancient Grimoire, which increases power gauge acquisition rate. The Steel Dagger is a viable alternative if you lack other weapons.

Skill Level Priority

Key Skills

  1. Burn Up: Provides significant AOE damage and break damage.
  2. Flare Strike: Core attack, applies the burn debuff.
  3. Flame Cleave: Second basic skill.
  4. Ultimate: Useful but less critical.

Team Composition

Versatile Teams

Emma Laurent
Choi Jong-in
Seo Jiwoo

Emma Laurent can fit into any team due to her versatility. A core team could include Emma Laurent and another top hunter like Seo Jiwoo, combined with a DPS like Choi Jong-In for additional damage.

Park Heejin
Min Byung-Gu
Emma Laurent

Another effective team could include Park Heejin and Emma, who can spam their ultimates, supported by Min Byung-Gu for ultimate cooldown reduction and buffs.

Shadow Choices

Recommended Shadows

The best universal choice is Iron, which increases team members’ max HP. Ignis is another good option for crit builds. Blades is useful for AOE damage. Depending on your needs, Tank can provide additional survivability.

Is Emma Worth Summoning?

For Free-to-Play Players

  • Limited Tickets: As important as Emma is for clearing content, limited tickets are precious and hard to come by. It’s generally better to save these for truly limited characters.
  • Custom Draws: Emma can still be obtained from custom draws, making it a safer bet to try your luck there rather than using limited tickets.

For Pay-to-Win Players

  • Summoning Freedom: You have the freedom to summon as you like, so if Emma appeals to you, go ahead.

Overall Recommendation

Emma is a top-tier unit, especially for her clearing capabilities. If you can get her through custom draws, that’s the best route. However, using limited tickets might not be the wisest choice unless you’re a pay-to-win player.


Emma Laurent is an exceptional unit with unparalleled AOE clearing abilities. While she's worth having on your team, especially for her skills and overall power, the method of obtaining her matters. Free-to-play players should aim for her through custom draws, saving those precious limited tickets for other characters.

I hope this breakdown helps you decide whether to summon Emma. Thanks for reading, and good luck!


Dirk is a devoted stay-at-home dad. His days are filled with the joyful chaos of raising two amazing sons. When he's not in full dad mode, you often find him diving into the world of video games, where he can escape into fantastic adventures and challenges.

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